Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Video Essay Proposal:

What is my Thesis? For my video essay, I will be looking at different characteristics that relate to how people interact with advertising on billboards. 
The idea of going out and recording billboards inspired me both because billboards are an extremely visual form of advertising and because the photos and text that appear on billboards have many layers of contextual depth.

Thesis:  My video essay will explore the idea of perspective and how there are many different ways to look at billboards that reflect a person’s relationship with consumerism. Specifically I will focus on three perspectives: a) how close-up interactions with the words and images create emotional ties to products b) how physical distance emphasizes a top-down structure which places billboards in a position of looming over the viewer, and c) how a neighborhood persona is established as billboards target certain social classes and racial groups through its messages.

What are my Supporting Materials? My supporting materials that I will use to complete this project are my digital camera, my laptop (specifically iMovie, which I will use for editing), the Internet to find audio clips via YouTube, and my friends who I will be interviewing.

What is my Structure? My videos structure will have three parts.  First, I will look at how words and images influence people by focusing on a parts-to-whole analysis of what is actually being advertised on a billboard.  When looking at billboards from up close, it is easy to become influenced by the proactive messages and to disregard the notion that the billboard is constructed to be commercial. However, with physical distance, the viewer begins to realize that billboards are designed to influence one’s decisions, even when they are not conscious of it. This notion of consciousness will be further explored in my second and third part of my video essay. Because billboards are placed above a person’s eye level, it forces the viewer to look up at them.  Unlike a TV commercial or magazine advertisement, viewers do not engage directly with the products on a billboard in that people often drive by them without a second glance.  Nonetheless, billboards continue to be a successful form of advertising. Third, I noticed that billboards are targeted to influence the specific neighborhoods they are placed in.  Billboards therefore not only influence how a singular person interacts with advertisements but influences communities as a whole as well.  In doing my preliminary recordings, I have been fascinated how billboard advertising has different effects from different perspectives.

What is my Style? In my first part, I will be looking at how advertisements make us feel emotional and nostalgic and will do this by creating a montage that looks at how the wording and pictures on billboards are designed to draw us in to buy a product, yet contrast this with the perspective of looking at billboards from a distance, in which commercialism is much more blatant. In my second part, I will be looking at the perspective of the physical distance between a person’s eye level and a billboard and try to draw a connection between how people regard and are influenced by billboards through conducting interviews.  In my third part, I will try to look at perspective from a geographical standpoint by videoing different neighborhoods to see how billboards reflect certain locations.

What is my Voice? My voice while not appearing directly on camera will be apparent by how my video essay is constructed. I will be visually manipulating words, images, and sounds, to make my point- very similar to how an advertisement on a billboard is constructed.

What is my Purpose?
My Purpose is to record the relationship between how people interact with and view billboards.  No matter if one is only looking at certain aspects of the billboard, not consciously looking while they quickly drive past a billboard, or if they regard billboards when choosing to buy something, advertisements are a huge role in one’s life and continue to influence what people say, wear, and buy.

What is my Audience? My audience is for anyone who has ever seen or has been influenced by a billboard. 

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